
Securitybricks Strengthens Commitment to Veterans by Partnering with the DoD SkillBridge Program

Securitybricks Inc. partners with DoD SkillBridge to support veterans’ transition through cybersecurity training, offering opportunities in compliance and technical skills.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, UNITED STATES, November 7, 2023, Securitybricks Inc., a prominent leader in the cybersecurity industry, is delighted to announce a partnership with the Department of Defense (DoD) SkillBridge Program. This collaboration reaffirms Securitybricks’ dedication to supporting veterans in their transition to civilian life by offering cybersecurity training and career opportunities.

The DoD SkillBridge Program is a well-established initiative that offers service members the opportunity to gain valuable civilian work experience during the last 180 days of their military service. Securitybricks’ SkillBridge program includes training in compliance regulations like CMMC and FedRAMP while gaining technical implementation skills in Microsoft Azure and ServiceNow.

Since 2021, Securitybricks has been transitioning veterans to cybersecurity “Our partnership with SkillBridge enables military service members to use their skills and our training to explore opportunities in Cybersecurity. Together, we are ensuring that these heroes continue to serve our country in the evolving digital frontier.” stated Raj Raghavan, CEO of Securitybricks. “With 700,000 cybersecurity jobs ready to be filled, the veterans can fill critical roles in their civilian life.” Raghavan added.

For veterans interested in participating in this program or for more information, please visit: https://securitybricks.io/skillbridge/

About SkillBridge

SkillBridge is a workforce development and skill enhancement platform that empowers individuals to acquire expertise in various fields, including cybersecurity. Their platform offers comprehensive training and education programs that bridge the skills gap and provide individuals with the knowledge they need to excel in their careers.

About Securitybricks, Inc.

Securitybricks, Inc. is a cybersecurity consulting firm focused on cloud security and compliance. Based in the U.S., its team members are all U.S. Citizens, including military veterans, with over 15+ years of experience in implementing cybersecurity and regulatory compliance controls. https://securitybricks.io/.

Raj Raghavan
Securitybricks, Inc.

Unlocking Your Post-Military Career: How Veterans Can Excel in Cybersecurity with Securitybricks

Transitioning from a military career to the civilian world can be both exciting and challenging. Veterans bring a unique set of skills, discipline, and experience to the table, but they often face difficulties in finding the right career path. One field that holds immense potential for veterans is cybersecurity, and SecurityBricks is here to help unlock that potential. In this blog post, we will explore how veterans can excel in the field of cybersecurity with the support of SecurityBricks.

The Value of Veterans in Cybersecurity

Military veterans possess a wealth of skills that are highly transferable to the cybersecurity industry. Here are some of the key qualities that make veterans stand out in this field:

1. Discipline: Military training instills discipline and attention to detail, which are essential in cybersecurity. Cyber threats require a meticulous approach, and veterans are well-equipped to handle this aspect.

2. Teamwork: Collaboration is a cornerstone of military service, and teamwork is equally vital in cybersecurity. Veterans excel at working together under pressure, a skill that translates seamlessly to the cybersecurity environment.

3. Adaptability: The military often requires personnel to adapt to changing circumstances quickly. In cybersecurity, the threat landscape evolves rapidly, and veterans’ ability to learn and adapt is invaluable.

4. Security Awareness: Military personnel are trained to prioritize security and follow strict protocols. This mindset aligns perfectly with the security-first approach of cybersecurity professionals.

5. Leadership:  Many veterans have leadership experience, which can be an asset in cybersecurity roles that involve managing teams or projects.

Bridging the Gap

While veterans bring an array of skills to the cybersecurity field, they may need additional training and certification to excel in this highly specialized industry. This is where SecurityBricks comes into play. SecurityBricks is a veteran-focused organization committed to helping military personnel transition into successful cybersecurity careers.

Here’s how SecurityBricks supports veterans in their cybersecurity journey:

1.Technical Skillsets: Securitybricks provides veterans with the technical training and knowledge necessary to excel in cybersecurity. Through specialized programs and hands-on training, veterans can develop the specific skill sets required for roles in this field.

2. Security Clearance: Many veterans possess security clearances gained during their military service. Securitybricks leverages this valuable asset by helping veterans transition into roles that require security clearances in the cybersecurity sector. This not only accelerates their career progress but also enables them to work on projects of national importance, contributing to the country’s security efforts in a different capacity.

3. Adaptability: The cybersecurity landscape is in a constant state of flux, with new threats and technologies emerging regularly. Securitybricks recognizes veterans’ adaptability, honed through their military experience, as a key advantage. Their ability to learn quickly, adjust to changing circumstances, and stay up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends positions them as highly effective professionals in this field.

4. Serving the Country in Another Way: For many veterans, the desire to serve their country doesn’t end with their military service. Securitybricks provides them with an opportunity to continue serving their nation by defending against cyber threats and ensuring the security of critical digital infrastructure. This sense of purpose and duty drives veterans to excel in their cybersecurity careers, knowing they are contributing to the broader national security mission.

Transitioning from the military to a civilian career can be a daunting task, but it’s also a chance for veterans to embark on a new and rewarding journey. Cybersecurity offers an excellent avenue for veterans to leverage their skills and make a meaningful impact in the civilian workforce.

SecurityBricks plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between military service and a cybersecurity career. With the right training, mentorship, and support, veterans can not only excel in cybersecurity but also contribute to the ongoing efforts to protect digital assets and information.

If you are a veteran looking to make your mark in the cybersecurity industry, consider exploring the opportunities offered by SecurityBricks. It’s not just a career change; it’s a chance to continue serving and safeguarding our nation in the digital realm. Unlock your post-military career with SecurityBricks and help secure our digital future.